The Internet’s Role in Eating Disorders Among Teens

The Internet's Role in Eating Disorders Among Teens

The Internet's Role in Eating Disorders Among Teens“A disturbing feature of anorexia is the rivalry that can occur between “ana-buddies” who meet on the websites and vie with each other to starve themselves to the point where their lives may be in danger.”

A quote from a scary article highlighting the constant barrage of having the “perfect body” that is pushed on our young people daily.  It is so important that we as caring adults and parents are on the look out for red flags that may indicate our sons and daughters are struggling with poor self-esteem, loneliness, poor body image that can lead to eating disorders.

Some red flags to watch for:

  • playing with food or pushing it around on their plate
  • unusual changes in weight
  • preoccupation with weight, food, body image
  • negative attitude toward weight, food, body image
  • beginning to wear baggy clothes which will hide weight loss
  • denial of hunger/appetite
  • spending time in bathroom following meals
  • excessive exercise
  • irritability

This is not an exhaustive list, you can find more info on eating disorders here.

If you suspect your child may struggling with any of these issues don’t be afraid to talk to them, see what they look at online, and seek help.