The Problem with Normal

red and yellow bell peppers

What is normal?  What does it mean to be normal?

Merriam-Webster defines it as – not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle; conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern

Not deviating from a norm, conforming to a type…

How many ways do we see culture trying to shoe horn us all into preconceived patterns and norms that it deems appropriate?  In how we dress?  In how we talk?  In how we engage in the world around us?  In the clothes, cars and houses we buy?

The problem with trying to be normal is that it’s a mythEach one of us is unique, one of a kind!  There is no other person in the world, that has been or will ever be that is exactly like us.  Even if we work to conform to what the world says is acceptable we will still remain our unique selves.

Fighting our uniqueness is exhausting and unhelpful. You are who you are! The quickest way to peace and contentment is find a way to be ok with the person in the mirror.

Sounds great, huh? How do we do that?

  • Rather than focus on what everyone else is good at, focus on what you are good at
  • Identify your individual and unique gifts & talents
  • Acknowledge your areas of weakness and remind yourself that it’s part of being human, we all have them
  • Don’t look to material things to fill the hole, it’s all temporary
  • Engage your whole self – mind, body and spirit
  • Get out and serve others, it can provide some well deserved perspective