Anxiety or Normal Teen Angst?

Anxiety can be paralizing

Being a teenager is probably one of the most stressful andAnxiety can be paralizing anxious times in a person’s life.  There is pressure from all sides, friends, family, and school all while  teens are trying to figure out who they are and what they believe.  So, how do we know if the teens in our life are just going through normal teen angst or if they are developing significant issues with anxiety?

What is the definition of Anxiety? It is fear based and usually focuses on what could/will happen (i.e. PTSD – fear of what could happen based on past trauma experience, arachnophobia – its not actually fear of the spider, but what the spider could or will do.)

Here are some warning signs for anxiety you need to look:

  • Lost interest – fear of not being accepted being an outcast…avoiding situations
  • Change in sleep and food habits
  • Day dreams and doesn’t want to do things
  • Experience a sudden drop in grades
  • Feeling guilty
  • Extreme anger or sadness/over reaction
  • Constantly afraid
  • Multiple headaches and stomach aches
  • Forgets and doesn’t want to study
  • Isolation
  • Sweating excessively or needing to go to the restroom often
  • Inability to concentrate or make decisions
  • Nightmares

If you have a teen in your life, or if you yourself are struggling with anxiety you don’t have to do it alone.  Help is available, call today for a free 20 minute consultation.

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